Veneer Showroom

AREA: 2400 sqft.
LOCATION: New delhi

The brief was to design an experience center for the ply and veneer manufacturer. The space being divided in the center by the core, segregated the display area to the left and the storage area to the right. The functions required were a reception, waiting, meeting room, conference, and a display area for selection. 

The selection area was naturally taken at the rear for privacy and easy access to the storage area. The idea was to use the material in raw form and explore its limits for the visitor to be able to educate oneself and make the selection with ease. The reception was designed with a concrete texture back wall with a veneer panel in the center for signage and an abstract table with dyed veneer cladding.
Since the footfall of the showroom was to be limited on appointment basis, the meeting and the conference rooms did not require a solid partition around it for privacy. Hence, a partition with fins made of raw plywood all around was created where samples of all different veneers were displayed. The samples had different shades of veneer and also different finishes over each veneer, thus making the visitor aware of the final look of the product.
The tables of both the meeting room and the conference was designed with a raw wood top and metal legs which is a product sold by the clients. An abstract veneer clad hanging light is customised for both the rooms. The conference also shows exclusive veneer panelling on walls as artwork. The idea is to educate the visitor on all aspects by the time he/she reaches the selection area making it much easier to shortlist from the wide range of the products available.
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